idea manufacturer, general director of the dream factory

Some questions about speechlessness

  • Do we have a common language in this world?

  • Are foreigners “speech-impaired”?

  • Does language have a color?

  • How do people behave who cannot articulate their problems?

  • (aggression, inner withdrawal, suicide, artistic activity, ...)

  • How do children learn their mother's language?

  • Preserving the voice: phonograph, records, tapes, CDs

  • Transmitting the voice: telephone, radio, TV

  • Amplifying the voice: loudspeaker, hearing aid, microphone

  • Do all these things carry the warmth, the security, the anger, the sounds and the screams of the voice?

  • Why do nosy neighbors and the state's secret services want to eavesdrop on us?

  • Why are voices suppressed in an authoritarian regime?

  • Is this a social speech impediment?

  • Why can't we hear anything when flowers talk to each other?

  • What language will deaf-mute people and babies that we leave behind on a deserted island speak after five generations?

  • Is every deaf person also mute?

  • Is every mute person also deaf?

  • Is death the last door to silence?

  • Why don't insulted people talk to each other?

  • Is that a punishment?

  • Who does a man sentenced to life in solitary confinement talk to?

  • Can walls speak and hear us?

  • Who has listened to you the longest so far?

  • Who have you listened to the longest so far?

  • Have you tried to communicate with a deaf-mute person?

  • Or with a "foreigner" that you don't understand?

  • Have you had problems in a foreign country without knowing the language?

  • Have you ever started to stutter?

  • Have you hurt someone with words?

  • Have you ever lost your ability to speak?

  • Are you too tight-lipped?

  • Or has anyone ever silenced you?

  • Do you know the saying: “The devil take that blaspheming tongue”?

  • Does the tongue have bones?

  • Did you know that in a feudal society a young girl forced into marriage remained silent until her death?

  • Does language have a gender?

  • Do sweet words lure snakes out of their hiding places?

  • Do you know how happy life can be in a country with mute politicians?

    Hüseyin ISIK, VIENNA 1997