idea manufacturer, general director of the dream factory

My divided heart

For centuries, travelers, vagabonds, migrants have wandered the world.

Not anymore.

Today, in our century, free travel is only possible with money, it knows no borders and ends up in the hands of certain forces. Or contagious diseases like bird flu, swine flu, ..., or radioactive contamination or electromagnetic waves.

Strange! Humanity, which rules the world, has turned it into a prison of itself and entrenched itself behind the borders of territories, of states.

Countries have become larger or smaller prison cells. Freedom of travel depends on documents, on signatures, is subject to various visa regulations, and sometimes becomes a question of conscience. Not only other citizens but also one's own countrymen suffer from these barriers.

The aggressors are different. They invade everywhere with their weapons. Prison is only made for the oppressed, the borders are insurmountable only for them.

Some of these oppressed cannot even move freely within their own national borders. Yes, I am talking about the Kurds, whose homeland was carved up by various powers, whose villages and communities were divided. I am talking about the people without a country.

Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without their own state

I am part of this human geography. I know what being divided means, I know all aspects. I experience it every day.

I decided to go abroad and live there as a foreigner rather than remain a foreigner in my own country.

It was only in the country I chose that I was granted an identity.

My two brothers suffered similar fates. We three brothers are citizens of three different countries - just because we did not have our own country, our own state.

Borders have inflicted such deep wounds on us.

One can only understand oneself if one understands others

So take this city map and let it guide you!

History is not over...